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Encyclopedia of Chinese Culture

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Ji Yemo
  • Publishing Date:
  • Language:
  • EBook Price: $ 67.79 USD

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This is an introductory reference book about Chinese culture. It consists of 650 entries, covering a variety of topics about Chinese culture. It is arranged in alphabetic order in Spanish. For example, it includes entries such as Water Margin, abacus, fans, acupuncture, potted plants, stone forests, bronze wares, Buddhism, Cao Cao, the Analects of Confucius, the Chinese New Year, matchmaker, the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), and so on. It is the first encyclopedia of Chinese culture in Spanish. This book is the first encyclopedia of Chinese culture in Spanish. It is written by Spanish; it is written from the perspective of Spanish based on their understanding and interest; it is arranged in an order that is easy for Spanish to read; it is the largest non-English book published in recent years; it provides basis for the digitization of Spanish books.

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