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Sino-U.S. Exchange Notes of Chinese News Spokesmen: How the U.S. Government Communicate with the Media (News Spokesman's Handbook) (Chinese Edition)

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  • Author:
    Gong Tie ying
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  • Paper Price:$ 6.77 USD
  • EBook Price:$ 3.38 USD
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Sino-U.S. Exchange Notes of Chinese News Spokesmen: How the U.S. Government Communicate with the Media is the exchange notes of Chinese news spokesmen when they visited United States. In 2009, Information Office of the State Council organized a workshop for news spokesmen to visit the United States and co-organized seminar with School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University. After the seminar, they also made exchanges with news spokesmen of U.S. government and U.N. in both Washington and New York, as well as senior executives of the media such as Associated Press. This book includes the speeches made by scholars such as Professor Frank Sesno, Dean of School of Media and Public Affairs, and the exchanges made with U.S. government spokesmen and senior media executives. It has given us a panorama about the news operation mode of government and media in the United States, their news management system, their new practices of public diplomacy, and the new development trends of U.S. media. This is the first book in China that has recorded such kind of information. It can not only be a reference book for the CPC Party Committee and the government to improve news release system and for spokesmen to expand their horizon and improve their media practices, but also a good reference book for scholars, students, teachers and practitioners in the fields of journalism and communication.

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