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Ink-and-Wash Picture Books of Classic Chinese Stories: The Sly Fox (Chinese-English Edition)

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  • Author:
    Cui Yan
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  • EBook Price: $ 2.25 USD

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44.One day, a sly fox sees a crow about enjoying grapes. The fox tricks the crow into believing the grapes are sour. The crow is fooled and the fox nabs the grapes. Winter comes and this time, the fox spots the crow carrying a piece of meat in its mouth. It’s too much for the fox to resist. “My fair crow, how are you?” the fox asks, seemingly innocent. The crow, unable to reply because of its full beak, nods in response. But the fox presses on, praising the crow’s beautiful singing voice and asking it to sing a song. The flattered crow happily opens its mouth to let out a song…and drops the meat! The fox swipes the fallen chunk of meat and runs away. No matter how much the crow shouts the meat is gone.

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