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Thus Spoke the Master(Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose Series)(English-Chinese Edition)

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Xu Yuanchong
  • Publishing Date:
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  • Paper Price: $ 122.04 USD
  • EBook Price: $ 6.77 USD

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Confucius(551-479 BC) is the most influential sage in China. This book is a record of the dialogues between the sage and his disciples. In answering their questions, he does not tell them what the answer is, but how he would solve the question, so his answer has an everlasting transcendental value. He teaches his disciples how to cultivate the mind and thinks it a delight to acquire knowledge and to behave in accordance with what is right. In this book politics, ethics and religion are combined into one, but he replaces religion by aesthetics or the sense of delight, which becomes the essence of life. His way of thinking might not be logical , deductive or the non deductive but intuitive, associative and analogical. He has exercised great influence on forming and molding national character and social behavior, and giving guidance to public and private life.

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