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China's Confidence - Chinese Reform under the background of Global Crisis

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Chi Fulin
  • Publishing Date:
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  • EBook Price: $ 20.33 USD

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This book gives ideas and suggestions from the perspective ofChina's tmnsfor- marion in the spheres of economy, society and development for the Chinesegovernment on how to deal with the intemationalfinancial crisis and deepen thereform. It discusses the topic ~crisis challenges reform" in five chapters: ChapterI analyzes the situation and contradictions that China faces for its reform underthe dual pressure from the international financial crisis and domestic transforma-tion, and then discusses the major tasks of further reform. Chapter II takes intoconsideration both economic growth in the short run and the transformation ofthe economic growth pattern in the light of medium and long-term development,and then proposes the reform package. Chapter III proposes social restructuringin view of expanding domestic demand, and raises ideas and suggestions for con-ducting positive social reform to handle economic pressure. Chapter 1V discussesChinas opening-up against the background of the international financial crisis,and urges the seizing of historical opportunities presented by the crisis to furtherimplement the strategy of opening-up.

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