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Les Misérables(English edition)

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  • Author:
    Victor Hugo
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  • EBook Price: $ 1.12 USD

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Les Miserables: In Paris of the nineteenth century, poor Jean Valjean was Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread t and sent to prison for five years. At last he was paroled from prison nineteen years later. Rejected by society for being a former convict, he encountered Bishop Myriel, who turned his life around by showing him mercy and encouraging him to become a new man. Ten years latter, he became a successful businessman by efforts and he was made mayor by popular acclaim. After knowing the tragedy of prostitute Fantine, he assumed responsibility for the care of her illegitimate children. Out of his expectation, he confronted Javert, the police who arrested him before and still doubted his repentance, bending on looking for his trouble. He didn’t succeed for the lack of insufficient evidence. However, his good luck did not last to eight years later.

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