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Core Socialist Values in New Era of China

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Dai Mucai et al.
  • Publishing Date:
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  • EBook Price: $ 29.38 USD

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This book, based on the new requirements of the new era, comprehensively reflects the latest discourse from the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party regarding the socialist core value system and core values, as well as the important discussions by Comrade Xi Jinping on socialist core values since the 18th National Congress. The socialist core values are a concentrated expression of the contemporary Chinese spirit, embodying the shared value pursuit of all the people. Adhering to the socialist core values as a foundation for strengthening our roots and uniting our spirit is essential to better building China’s spirit, China’s values, and China’s strength. The book systematically, deeply, and vividly explains the significant importance, theoretical origins, ideological threads, scientific basis, moral force, profound connotations, and practical pathways of upholding, cultivating, and practicing socialist core values.

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