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China and Global Governance Series: China and World Human Rights Protection

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Zhang Yonghe; Zheng Ruohan
  • Publishing Date:
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  • EBook Price: $ 22.45 USD

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In China and World Human Rights Protection, Chinese human rights scholar Zhang Yonghe presents China’s perspectives on, approach to, and considerable progress achieved in improving, human rights. China firmly believes in the primacy of the right to subsistence and development, trying to reconcile its national exigencies with the demands of universal human rights. As the second largest economy of the world today, China is committed to protecting rights that secure the people’s baseline, the right to work, the right to property, and the right to education, having formed its own set of ideas and policies on the development of human rights. Moreover, China has also actively fulfilled its international human rights obligations through partnership with other countries over the past few decades. It is poised to make greater contributions to world human rights protection.

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